This is the Pretentious Record Store Guy website.
Fancy meeting you here. Do you come here often? If so, you'll know that this is all sort of new. Well, it's old hat, really, but it's new to you so there you go. Try not to get too excited, okay?
If you're like Pretentious Record Store Guy then you're 5'11" rail thin, ridiculously good looking and your hair is the elixir from which dreams are made. This is his story.
But it's also the story about the adventures of a record store clerk who has forgotten more about music than you'll ever know, and how he stopped waiting for life to pass him by and started to follow his dreams.
A Ship Without a Rudder is Like
The key to being in a scene is to be seen, and nowhere is more important than in a record store, where the employees are cooler than you and know every big band a year before anyone else does.
But what happens when you wake up and realize that you're 30 years old and life is passing you by? What about your hope and dreams? Life won't wait.
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All the Young Dudes
When you're Pretentious Record Store Guy, you're life is pretty much made in the shade. You get to see all the cool shows, pick through all the good music and take home all the latest promos. Life is pretty good, right?
But what happens when all of your hopes and dreams come true? For Pretentious Record Store Guy, life on the road with your band isn't all that it's made out to be.
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I Wish it Was the Sixties (I Wish I Could Be Happy)
What happens when you finally get what you want, but then turns out it wasn't really what you wanted? Where do you go from there? For Pretentious Record Store Guy, he has come to that fork in the road after turning his back on his lifelong dream.
The final issue of the 3 issue mini-series.